POSTED BY 60milliongirls | Jun, 16, 2021 |

Once upon a time…. of COVID-19

It all started with the very bleak observation that, as the number of COVID-19 cases increased, so were the numbers on the scale! Eating because we were bored, eating because the fridge was next door, eating because no one would see us for the next six months. All excuses (and more) were good enough for us to swallow one more piece of cheese. Forget about exercising: gyms were closed, the treadmill was noisy, and Zumba through Zoom rather depressing.

And then came the 60 million step Challenge! How could we NOT join? So my good friend and I pledged to walk for the cause and gave ourselves an extra challenge. In August 2021, we would bravely walk the new 80-km Mini Compostelle de Mégantic in the Eastern Townships. And so, we began a journey, walking and gradually getting fitter as we progressed virtually from Montreal to Latin America, then to Africa, energized by our collective progress each week. Defying rain, snow and ice, we met at 5:45 AM three times a week. Each day, we logged our 10,000 steps or more, cheering each other on: two crazy ladies walking up and down Mount Royal, Park Avenue, the Westmount hills and Sherbrooke Street.

And then, something strange happened. What had started as a physical fitness challenge soon became a precious time together – a sweet moment of bonding as our friendship rekindled and we began sharing our feelings about the COVID-19 experience and little anecdotes about our lives – weaving a tapestry of memories.

It’s been four months now and our departure date is approaching! In seven weeks, we’ll hit the road so our training has intensified. We now walk 15,000 steps every two days with our backpack, complementing this endurance challenge with some cycling and Nordic walking, and it is pure fun.

Are we fitter? Probably. Are we satisfied by our achievement? Well, we’re certainly glad that our steps have contributed to the 60 million step Challenge. Are we happier? Definitely yes! This journey is worth every aching muscle and every bit of stiffness.

So, in a few weeks, when the 60 million step Challenge comes to an end, as we fly virtually from Asia back to Montreal, we will think of you all as we pursue our journey for a few more kilometres in the Park Mégantic region.

Happy summer!

Marie-Hélène and Maya


TAGS : 60 million step Challenge COVD-19 Mini Compostelle de Mégantic