POSTED BY 60milliongirls | Oct, 13, 2024 |

October 2024

“From Nepal to Ghana – Mobile Learning Labs around the world”

Save the date: 60 million girls annual virtual conference on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 5:00p.m. (EST)

We hope to welcome you at our 19th annual virtual conference! We look forward to sharing highlights of our work over the last 12 months, including the development of one of the first educational video games on climate change, and news of the amazing projects we are supporting this year in Nepal, Ghana and Uganda.

Please join us for our virtual event on Wednesday, November 20, at 5:00 p.m. (EST) to see how your support is lifting barriers to education for children far and wide.

Kiwanis Lakeshore Montréal – Thank you!

The Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore Montréal has been providing services to children and youth since 1958.

Kiwanis members, like 60 million girls members, are all volunteers. They work to provide physical and financial help primarily to children’s projects as well as to seniors in the West Island of Montreal.  They raise funds annually through a variety of events and initiatives, including their trademark Holiday Nuts & Cakes Sale and their popular Golf Tournament each June.

Kiwanis’ steadfast and constant support since our founding in 2006 – including this year’s generous contribution of $10,000 – enables 60 million girls to continue to do more in our determination to see that every girl has access to the quality education she has a right to.


Giving back to McGill – Wanda Bedard

As many of you know, 60 million girls has benefitted from the support and expertise of a large number of professors, researchers, staff and students at McGill University over the past years. With this in mind, Wanda Bedard, President of 60 million girls, was honoured to have been elected to the volunteer position of Vice President of the McGill Alumni Association last September.

This is our way of saying thank you to the vibrant communities at McGill for their ongoing support, including:

(1) The invaluable technical help from ISID – the Institute for the Study of International Development – for the evaluation protocol used in Sierra Leone in 2014 to gauge the impact of the first prototypes of the Mobile Learning Lab.

(2) Master’s students at the Max Bell School of Public Policy worked for 6 months in 2022 on a capstone report enabling us to determine how to incorporate climate action in the education programs we support.

(3) The yearlong involvement of students from JED Consulting culminating with the Create4Good event in March 2024 to design of one of the first offline video games on climate change in the Global South.

(4) Numerous speaking opportunities at McGill, including at an inter-university conference on education in the Global South held in November 2023, allowing 60 million girls to expand our network in support of girls’ education around the world.

Join the Upcoming Fundraiser Networking Breakfast in Pointe-Claire

The MLUWC Networking Breakfast Fundraiser for 60 Million Girls “Retaining Girls in School in Nepal” is taking place on Tuesday November 19, 2024 at the Pigeon Club Cafe in Pointe-Claire (8-9:30am).

To learn more and register, visit: 


Follow us on FacebookInstagramTwitter and LinkedIn for updates on developments around the world in education and educational technology and the activities of 60 million girls.

TAGS : Climate resilience climate action McGill climate education annual virtual conference volunteers kiwanis Climate change gender equality Girls' education