POSTED BY 60milliongirls | Jun, 22, 2024 |

June 2024

Stories from the girls themselves

60 million girls has been supporting girls’ education projects for 18 years in more than 20 countries. Of the close to 100 000 girls who have participated in the projects we have funded, we regularly hear back from the field on the impact access to education has had on the lives of the students.

Recently, War Child Canada sent in their final report on the project we funded in South Sudan implementing Mobile Learning Labs (MLLs) in 2023 to enable girls and adolescents, particularly young mothers, to access quality content enabling them to continue their schooling and in many cases to be able to come back to school. This is the second time we have provided funding to War Child Canada in South Sudan for this type of project. As you’ll see from Elizabeth and Kate’s stories, access to the MLLs and this program provides hope and opportunity for some of the most vulnerable women living in a conflict zone.

Elizabeth, a 26-year-old mother of four and resident of Malakal PoC since 2013, delivers a presentation at the women’s education forum.

Kate, a 21-year-old mother from Malakal, South Sudan, engaged in War Child Canada’s Breaking Barriers project.

Read their full stories here: War Child Canada Breaking Barriers – Elizabeth and Kate’s story

We receive reports back on the progress and completion of every project we support. This data and information help us evaluate the impact of the support we give. They also enable us to determine where our investments will likely be the most helpful in the following years.


Our projects 2024

Our project evaluation team meets throughout the winter months to review the 10-14 Concept Note proposals we receive. We then ask the organizations which we feel have the best project concepts to proceed in submitting full project proposals. Our team of 4 members then reviews and scores the projects to determine which three projects will be the focus of our 2024 $300,000 fundraising campaign.


We are thrilled to present the project investing $100,000 in Uganda with our partner Embrace International which will use MLLs to support quality education for all children and particularly for girls and children living with disabilities. Read more.


In Ghana, we will be working with CAMFED for a third time using the MLLs as the means to enhance STEM education for senior high school female students. These science courses will enable them to better understand climate change – and how they can support their communities. Read more.


A new partner in a new country for 60 million girls: HealthBridge Foundation Canada’s project in Nepal. The retention and participation of girls in school in rural Nepal is linked closely with a lack of awareness and stigma around sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues and harmful practices such as child marriage and chhaupadi (segregation during menstruation) which lead to missed school and school drop-out.

Mobile Learning Labs (MLL) will deliver comprehensive sexual education (CSE) in five schools. While CSE has been integrated into the curriculum for over a decade, teachers are often inadequately prepared to cover such topics or feel uncomfortable with the content. The MLLs are a novel way to deliver CSE in Nepal, which to our knowledge has not been tested before in this context. Read more.


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TAGS : Climate resilience climate action climate education Climate change gender equality Girls' education