POSTED BY 60milliongirls | Dec, 07, 2021 |

December 2021

We are a small organization making a big impact! 

60 million girls knows that adolescent girls in developing nations have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic. It is estimated that 20 million girls may never return to the classroom. 

What are we doing?

This year, we are supporting three projects that specifically target adolescent girls. All funds raised this year will go towards these projects.

The first, in Sierra Leone with our partner, CAUSE Canada, will ensure that girls from over a dozen communities will have the support, mentoring and access to remedial classes that they need to get back to school.

In another project with our partner, Right To Play, close to 3,000 girls in 8 high schools in the displaced persons camps of northern Uganda will have access to our Mobile Learning Labs to help them continue their education.

And, finally, in Zambia, with our partner, the Stephen Lewis Foundation, we are funding the creation of a science lab and will help ensure that hundreds of high school girls will have access to the Mobile Learning Lab to catch up on missed academic content.

You can read more about these projects HERE.

You can help! 

This holiday season, don’t underestimate the power of education. Educating girls and women can break the cycle of poverty and aid economic growth. It improves health and nutrition, delays marriage and pregnancy, empowers girls and women, and helps tackle climate change. In other words, education is transformative! 

Please help us reach our 2021 target of $250,000. It takes only a click to make the world a more equitable place.

When you make a donation on behalf of those special people in your life, please, ask us to send them a card in your name with a message of your choice.

All donations are 100% tax deductible.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season!

Education innovation: CAMFED Mobile Learning Labs in Ghana

Kate, Learning Facilitator, CAMFED Association Member, Ghana

Two major issues face rural students in Ghana: school attendance and the quality of education. The project with CAMFED, our partner in Ghana, addresses both these issues by introducing the Mobile Learning Labs (MLLs) while providing an opportunity for educated young women to establish themselves as “edupreneurs” (entrepreneurs who work within the education sector).

The project, implemented this year, works to deliver learning materials to the students. The MLL offers a wealth of quality information that is both interesting and entertaining. For the MLL facilitators, members of CAMFED’s alumnae association (CAMA), the Mobile Learning Lab also offers an opportunity to increase their pedagogical skills and knowledge.

Watch this short video as students, MLL facilitators and teachers describe the extraordinary impact of the Mobile Learning Lab.

Our virtual conference

We held our virtual conference to celebrate our 15th anniversary at the beginning of November. We welcomed participants from across Canada, as well as the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Korea, Ghana, and Guatemala. We were particularly delighted to receive the good wishes and congratulations from both our partners and supporters as we profiled our projects over the last decade and a half, as well as this year’s projects.

To read more about the conference, click here.

Following the conference, we held a 10-day matching donation campaign and, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we raised over $37,000 – far exceeding our fundraising target of $20,000. Our grateful thanks to everyone who participated in making our campaign such an enormous success.

Your generosity and support help us make a meaningful and real impact
on learning for children who need help the most.

Did you miss the conference? Don’t worry; you can watch it here.

Support us with a gift of securities to receive a tax receipt for 2021!

Did you know that the Canada Revenue Agency offers an attractive incentive on gifts of publicly traded securities? You can make a gift of shares, bonds or mutual funds, thereby eliminating the capital gains tax. However, to benefit from this tax credit, your securities must be transferred directly to the 60 million girls Foundationwithout selling them first. You will not be taxed on the capital gains and, moreover, you will receive a tax receipt for the value of the shares at the time of transfer.

If you wish to make this kind of gift, please contact us at

TAGS : CAMFED CAUSE Canada Ghana Gift of securities Mobile Learning Lab Right To Play Sierra Leone Stephen Lewis Foundation Uganda virtual conference Zambia